Rights of Homeless Children and Youth in SchoolMcKinney-Vento State Coordinator SCBirley Wright - (803)734-8563
1429 Senate Street, Suite 501-C, Columbia, SC 29201
National Center for Homeless Education (
Local Education Agency (LEA’s) in each school district (contact district office)
* See information displayed in each school for parents/guardian
Faith-based Suicide PreventionAlliance of Hope for Suicide Loss Survivors www.allianceofhope.orgAmerican Foundation for Suicide Prevention www.afsp.orgSurvivors of Suicide – SOS support groups https://afsp.org/find-a-support-group * Many states have suicide prevention websites and state specific programs and services
https://osp.scdmh.orgBooks:Surviving Suicide Loss: Making Your Way Beyond the Ruins - by Rita Schulte
Grieving a Suicide: A Loved One’s Search for Comfort, Answers, and Hope - by Albert Hsu